Are your wisdom teeth painful? Looking for wisdom teeth pain remedies? Here’s how you can deal with it fast and easily. But first, let’s understand the root cause of this pain before we learn how to get rid of the problem.
Generally, an adult has a total of 32 teeth but wisdom teeth only come in many years later around the age of late teens to early adulthood. As wisdom teeth is situated right at the back end of our jaws, sometimes there is insufficient room for them to come in, and 28 teeth is usually the maximum number of teeth our jaws have space for. So, when there is not enough space for the tooth to grow, we experience discomfort and pain. This is what is known as wisdom teeth pain.
Wisdom Teeth Pain Relief
During the growing period however, we may also encounter some discomfort and pain even though there is sufficient space for it to grow. But this is absolutely normal because the tooth is trying to push hard against your gum in order to come in. By the time the tooth grows into its full position, the pain will be gone.
But what to do when a wisdom tooth is coming in when there is not enough space for it to grow? Pain occurs when the growth of the tooth that is coming in is stunned or when it gets stuck with the tooth right next to it. A partially grown tooth could also cause many problems as well especially when part of the tooth came out but the other part is still covered under your gum.
Known as pericoronitis, this condition often cause foods and particles to easily accumulate around the area and coupled with difficulties in brushing the area effectively, it has become a place for bacteria to thrive causing repeated inflammation and sore. Over the long run, tooth decay may occur as acids created by the bacteria eats into the tooth’s enamel.
How To Cure Wisdom Tooth Pain
To get rid of wisdom tooth pain and discomfort, the remedy is as simple as using salt water. Add a tablespoon of salt into a glass of warm water, about 12oz to 16oz glass will do. Warm water is preferred over cold water as the former is better and easier for the salt to dilute. Gargle the salt solution in your mouth especially towards the area of pain and repeat the process several times a day. That will help reduce inflammation as well as pain.
In fact, salt solution is also an excellent natural remedy for curing sore throat too. Additionally, you can also try chewing some gums in between as chewing gum has been known to help in reducing the pain. If that does not solve your problem or the inflammation gets worse, consult your dentist. Your dentist may have wisdom tooth treatment for you such as prescribing Orajel to numb the area of pain.
Your dentist may also prescribe you with a course of antibiotics or anti-bacterial mouth wash that keep the inflammation down. If the case is severe and all else fail, removing of the wisdom tooth to get rid of wisdom tooth pain would be the last option.
Continue reading here for more effective remedies to soothe a toothache.
William says
I can also attest to clove oil. I was in pretty severe pain for about a day until i tried clove oil. It worked so well, I was able to leave the house afterwords.
Yamanory says
When my wisdom tooth was coming in a couple nights ago, it was literally the worst pain I have ever experienced! I was up til 6 am, and NOTHING worked – I tried everything – garlic, onion, lemon, tea bags, frozen ice packs, etc.
One thing that did work temporarily – Sensodyne. I was able to sleep for about 1 hour after dabbing that on where it was growing in and it numbed the throbbing. But then I tried that again an hour after waking up and didn’t have as much success.
But then I bought clove oil the next day – and wow, it totally numbed all pain whatsoever. Some of the pages I read on the internet said overuse could kill the nerve – so don’t use it too often. But I only had that terrible pain for 1-2 nights, and then I think the tooth cut through so I no longer have the throbbing pain and don’t need it.
Oh one more solution – red wine. I don’t know if it’s the tannins in the wine, or the fact that it’s alcohol so you just no longer feel the pain 🙂 but I suggest that method since it’s fun, and one night getting drunk is probably the equivalent of taking pain killers in terms of wear and tear on your body.
Oh yeah and tylenol/advil basically did nothing to help, so I wouldn’t both with those.