Burning sensation in throat is often mistaken as simply yet another form of sore throat. What most people fail to see is that the condition, just like sore throat is identical in the sensation of pain which feels like having a cut in your throat. This is why some people treat the said sensation with whatever they use to cure the typical sore throat like taking lozenges or antibiotics to hasten the recovery process of the annoying sensation.
Taking such medications however might even worsen the situation as the most prominent cause of the burning in the throat is usually acid reflux. This is why people should really take a good look at what cause the sensation in their throat before swallowing medications that can potentially be harmful not only to the condition but also your health.
Burning Sensation In Throat
Acid reflux is a medical condition that occurs when you have abnormalities in the esophageal sphincter muscle valves that cause excess acid from your stomach to get pushed back into your esophagus. Regular symptoms can be in the form of bloating, nausea, pain in stomach area as well as burning sensation in the esophagus. Burning sensation in throat is often caused by more severe acid reflux symptoms that cause more acid from the stomach to be pushed back further up the esophagus reaching the throat region.
This condition is potentially dangerous as prolonged exposure of the acid on the wall of the esophagus and also the throat can cause damages to the cell lining in these areas that is not designed to withstand highly acidic environment. This in turn causes even more severe inflammation and swelling, not to mention heartburn.
Heartburn is the most common symptoms of acid reflux. It is caused by prolonged inflammation in the esophagus as the acid from the stomach are constantly getting pushed back to throat or commonly known as regurgitation. The condition can be excruciatingly painful especially in the chest area.
While acid reflux can be controlled by modern medication, a more natural approach to the condition is recommended as most modern medication tends to focus on a quick fix to the issue while traditional treatments generally focus on how to prevent the condition from occurring. For traditional remedies, read how to use vinegar for heartburn. Alternatively, you should also read about sore throat remedies as well as burning sensation in stomach here.
To avoid getting more burning sensation in throat while you are getting acid reflux, you should change the way you sleep preferably by getting an acid reflux pillow as well as watch the things that you eat. It is also important to take a note of the food portion that you eat. Eating excessively is not recommended for people with acid reflux and if you really prefer to eat a lot then you should eat at a reduced potion but more often every day.
Also read home remedy for indigestion here.
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