Wondering what causes bladder infections in females? Bladder infection is in fact the most common type of urinary tract infection (UTI). Women are particularly prone to bladder infection due to their short urethra length which enables bacteria to get into the bladder easily. As the distance between the neck of the urinary bladder and the outside world is merely 1 and a half inch away, typical bacteria could reach the bladder in as little as just 4 hours.
Also known as cystitis, bladder infection refers to the inflammation of the bladder wall caused by the invading bacteria. Upon reaching the bladder, these bacteria quickly multiply in the urine that your bladder holds. These thriving bacteria then cling to the wall of your bladder thus causing infections.
What Causes Bladder Infections In Females?
There are several ways in which bacteria could get into your urethra and subsequently reaching your bladder. Most of the causes are due to a lack of hygiene especially around the genital area. These can be a result of:
1. Performing sexual intercourse where the bacteria from the vagina are transferred to the opening of the urethra.
2. Performing oral sex can also cause bacteria transfer within the anal-vaginal region.
3. Wiping from back to front with toilet tissues can also cause transfer of bacteria from the rectum to the urethra.
4. Similarly, wiping from back to front after urination could result in the transfer of bacteria from the vagina to the urethra opening.
Nonetheless, keeping proper hygiene plays an important role in preventing bladder infections in females. Below are some of the tips that you should take note in order to reduce the chances of getting an infection:
1. Wash your genital area especially after performing sexual intercourse.
2. Drink plenty of water each day. The recommended daily intake of water is 2 litres (about 4 pints) or 8 glasses of water.
3. Do not hold your urine for a long period of time. Always visit the bathroom whenever the urge to urinate hits.
4. Do not go to bed with a partially full or full bladder. Always empty your bladder before you sleep.
Now that you know what causes bladder infections in females, it is now time to change your old habits to minimize bladder infection risks. It is important to practise good habits now before an infection occurs as numerous studies have shown that many women who have had their first UTI would usually experience occasional recurrence again. A woman who has had her first episode of UTI would likely be having another episode within a year time. The risk of getting another infection could be as high as 50%.
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