It has been long known that glands play an important role in forming and distributing fats within our body. However, the glands can also affect weight loss. Through closer examinations on some of the main possible causes, it has been found that one of the main glands that affect weight loss is the pituitary gland, which is located at the base of the brain.
Next is the adrenal gland located right above the kidneys which holds another vital key and lastly, the thyroid gland which is located right next to the wind pipe. Collectively, these three glands together plays an important role that affects your body weight.
Besides these three glands, there are also another two less known ones which also have some parts to play, they are the pancreas gland located right below the liver and the sex glands located in the reproductive area. As these glands have the potential to affect weight loss directly, let us examine them one by one.
Glands That Affect Weight Loss
The main function of the pituitary gland is control the sex glands and the thyroid by producing certain hormones. In addition, it also produces two other hormones that could control and regulate the fat distribution. One hormone deposits the fat into the cells while the other releasing the fat from the cells.
These two hormones work together in balance of one another thereby maintaining an equilibrium. If this equilibrium is disturbed for instance, you might have problems losing weight since more and more fats get deposited as a result.
Now let’s take a look at how the adrenal glands play another important role in regulating your body fat. Adrenal glands are situated on top of the kidneys, it can produce some twenty important substances such as cortisone. When this gland becomes overactive, a unique pattern of fat deposit may result in the body where excessive fat will tend to deposit in the hips, upper chest as well as over the spine and the cheeks.
Thirdly, the thyroid which is controlled by pituitary gland, is situated next to the wind pipe. Thyroid gland produces iodine rich hormone which carries the characteristics of fat burning property which makes weight loss possible.
An normally active thyroid gland produces enough of this iodine rich hormone to keep the level of fat in the body in check but should something happens to this gland rendering it as less active or under-active, the production of this hormone will be reduced significantly thereby affecting weight loss. This in turn encourages fats to be stored in the body instead of being burned. As such, an under-active thyroid could increase the accumulation of fat which then makes a person gradually gain weight.
On the other hand, the pancreas gland located below the liver controls the fat by producing a hormone known as insulin. This hormone helps convert carbohydrates into fat. Therefore, an overactive pancreas gland can affect weight loss as insulin hormone tends to store fat and stops the release of the fat leading to obesity.
Finally, let’s take a look at the role of sex glands in regulating fat. The reproductive system in our body cannot function without these sex glands. The sex glands in men are the testes and in women the ovaries. Besides reproductive functions, these sex glands can also affect weight loss. If we were to remove the sex glands of both men and women, the effect would be an obvious weight gain over time. As a result, the lost of sex glands may affect weight loss where both men and women will tend to put on weight.
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