Spirulina powder is made from a blue-green type of algae that belong to the family of various species of microalgae such as the blue-green aphanizomenon and the green algae chlorella and dunaliella. Spirulina’s nutritional properties have been known already even in ancient days. Ancient civilization used it as a part of their daily diet as described in the literature since … [Read more...]
Fimbriata Hunger Suppressant
A new product on the market in the weight loss industry is taking that industry by storm. This product contains a natural ingredient known as Carallum Fimbriata, a succulent cactus from India that has been used there for centuries. It has the ability to naturally suppress appetite and in this product, the main purpose of this ingredient is to suppress the appetite and thus … [Read more...]
Injuv Hyaluronic Acid – Great Supplement For Your Joints
Injuv hyaluronic acid is a great brand that offers many health benefits compared to many other hyaluronic acid products out there. This acid is primarily used to ease joint related problems such as stiffness, pain as well as inflammation of the joints particularly the joint of the knee. Although hyaluronic acid (HA) is generally a great remedy for all these joints issues, … [Read more...]