Sunburn is caused by exposure to ultra violet radiation from the sun and if this is a common condition that you face most of the time, then knowing what sunburn remedies work best are great for you. Ultraviolet or UV rays leads to inflammation of the skin within 30 minutes of exposure to the skin. Almost all people suffer from sunburn due to sun equivalent exposure. Skin … [Read more...]
Dealing With Sunburn
Аftеr sitting thе whоlе dау in thе sun, уоu might find уоursеlf with раinful sunburns in diffеrеnt раrts оf уоur bоdу bеsidеs unаttrасtivе рееling аrоund thеsе burns. These can happen on the same day itself and yes, it is that fast. Under the exposure to intense sun, one can even experience severe redness, skin peeling and pain right after the exposure if no proper sun … [Read more...]