Have you ever looked into homemade body and facial scrub as a great regiment for your skin care? You have probably seen the variety of products available and yet because of the price tag, you decided against it.
These items can be very expensive for the same ingredients that you can find and use at home! Regardless of your skin type, there are face scrubs which are perfect for everyone. So, what are some of the different recipes that are the most effective?
Look no further, things as simple as sugar can be used as a great exfoliator for your skin. This is why many of the face scrubs sold in stores are mainly derived from this sweet ingredient. The moisture in sugar is known to hydrate the skin while softly removing dead layers without causing irritation.
Besides helping exfoliate and scrub off those dull looking dead skin cells, it even helps revitalize your facial skin which can greatly improve your look while leaving your skin feeling totally fresh.
Homemade Facial Scrub
Facial exfoliator and scrub like this is ideal when used about once or twice each week. So whether you have just ran out of facial scrub or want to make your very own home made version, all you really need are just some basic ingredients that are already available right in your own home. In fact, homemade facial scrub is not only easy to make, it totally cost you almost nothing!
Some Successful Recipes Of Facial Scrubs You Can Make At Home
The beauty of using sugar and mixing it with water as you homemade face wash is that you can maintain your skin care level regardless of your skin type.
Here’s what you need in order to start making your very own scrub. Squeeze some facial cleanser into a small bowl and get some white sugar (about 2 tablespoon) from your kitchen and mix them up. Yes, these ingredients are suitable for all skin types. In fact, you can even customize the ingredients further for better effects.
For instance, if you are dealing with dry skin, you can mix the sugar with some natural oil for an extra replenishing effect. On the other hand, if your skin is of extremely sensitive type, you can use brown sugar swirled with coconut oil as the perfect scrub! This is a guaranteed way to remove or reduce the dead layers of skin without causing damage to the sensitive skin cells.
If you are very hard working enough and wanted to go a little extra length, you can add some honey, yogurt or even green tea too if you like. Honey is an excellent moisturizer while yogurt is great for soothing your facial skins. Green tea on the other hand, works by helping to detoxify and soften your skin. Also read about facial masks you can make at home here.
Applying Your Own Made Natural Face Scrub
Now get a cotton pad to absorb your home made facial scrub mixture and apply it all over your face. Massage it in your face in circular motion slowly and gently for about two minutes. After that, rinse it off with some warm water and pat dry.
While all of these homemade face scrubs sound great, they work best for people with dry to normal skin and do not work very well for people with extremely oily skin. Salt is actually a better alternative in this case since it can help dehydrate the pores.
However, it is not recommended for people that suffer from dry skin as the salt can actually cause tearing. But, for those that suffer from oily skin, a salt version of facial scrub is recommended and it can be the best solution.
Just like sugar, you can mix the salt with oil to create the best scrub. Remember to only use a spoonful since the salt is extremely potent. Doing this twice a day for one week will instantly show a difference, but refrain from using for long term as this can cause damage the skin over prolonged period of use.
In the meantime, take advantage of the cost effective solutions that these recipes provide. Make you own simple and successful face scrub today, so what are you waiting for?
Also read how to put on a facial mask here.
on my mom face under d eye thr was drk crcle nd on face thr was blak spot how to remove dat plzzz sa..
interested in household remedies to improve skin health