Olive oil has long since been used for many beauty treatments as far back as the age of Ancient Greece and the Egyptians. It’s more recent uses include being used as a way to stop hair loss and help to regrow hair. There are many reasons as to why olive oil works to help restore healthier, thicker hair, and we will go over those here.
Olive oil contains natural anti-bacterial properties that can help in ridding the scalp of bacteria and fungi that can cause hair loss and the reduction of hair growth. Used on the scalp it helps to wash away these harmful microorganisms that cause hair follicle infections and subsequent hair loss.
Another way hair loss can occur is through the frequent use of hair dyes and other chemicals. Using olive oil on the scalp helps minimize the damage caused by these chemicals due to its anti-fungal properties, which help promote healthy growth.
Olive Oil For Hair Growth
One of the biggest factors in hair loss is a hormone called DHT. The formation of this hormone causes the hair follicle to shrink making the hair that comes out very thin and fragile or nonexistent. Using olive oil for hair growth by applying it to the scalp can rid the scalp of this detrimental hormone and prevent it from reappearing, allowing the hair follicles to remain healthy.
In addition to helping prevent hair loss and promote hair regrowth, using olive oil for hair growth also helps with the condition of the hair. You will notice your hair being shiny and soft from regular treatments of olive oil. With all the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, you can also use olive oil for dandruff and ridding the hair of head lice.
The most effective method for using olive oil for hair growth is to massage the scalp with the oil. Take a ½ cup of olive oil and mix it with other oils such as coconut oil, sesame or castor oil. Pour the oil on your hair and gently massage with your fingertips in a circular motion, being careful not to pull the hair. Continue massaging gently for about 15 minutes, moving down towards the ends of your hair. Once your hair is covered, put on a shower cap making sure your hair is all underneath the cap or you can use a warm towel. Leave on for 30 minutes and then wash out with a good shampoo and conditioner. You may need to wash your hair twice to get the oil out and avoid your hair looking greasy.
The best form of olive oil to use for hair growth is extra virgin or virgin which has the least amount of processing. The other forms have added chemicals in them which you are wanting to avoid using on your hair. If you don’t have other oils to use with it during your scalp massage, using olive oil by itself is fine, just don’t skimp on the type of olive oil you choose. You may spend a little more, but you will be rewarded with long, soft silky hair. Read also about how to get thicker hair here.
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