If you have been wondering whether Greek yogurt or regular yogurt is better for you, then here are some excellent yogurt facts that you should know. While it seems like everyone today is eating Greek yogurt, you might want to find out what the craze is all about and whether it is really more nutritious compared to its regular counterpart?
In fact, more than a quarter of the population in the United States is switching over to Greek yogurt, and the number is really growing fast! In addition, you can see almost every major yogurt makers are jumping into the bandwagon too, simply to own a slice of this popular Greek-style yogurt industry. With all the craze and hype, so is Greek yogurt really that much better? Let’s see how they fair in the comparison below.
Greek Yogurt VS Regular Yogurt
In comparison, Greek yogurt has a much thicker and creamier texture than a regular yogurt. The straining process has created this richness where much of the liquid whey part of the milk is removed. In fact, almost half the liquid content is drained away and this is what makes Greek yogurt to contain much more protein by weight compared to regular yogurt. In addition, the thicker texture also makes Greek yogurt more suitable for cooking as it will never curdle under intense heat.
Besides, Greek yogurt also contains less carbohydrates and sugar which can be quite beneficial especially for those who are concerned about their body weight as well as those who are diabetic. Greek yogurt can be a good choice for them.
Also, Greek yogurt contains lower sodium and calcium level than a regular yogurt for the same weight. There is about a 50 percent reduction in both sodium and calcium content.
As such, people who are not getting enough calcium from their diet should stick to regular yogurt instead. With about 350mg of calcium per 6oz of serving in regular yogurt, it is a much better choice for those who at risk of getting calcium deficiency problems such as bone-loss or osteoporosis.
Greek yogurt on the other hand, is much better suited to those who are watching their sodium intake especially those who have cardiovascular issues like hypertension or heart risks.
As for calories comparison, both Greek and regular yogurt contains about the same about of calories per serving. There isn’t much difference at all, but do watch out for added sugars or other sweeteners in either the variety, which can easily increase the calories content significantly.

While Greek yogurt may seem to have the upper hand in our Greek yogurt vs regular yogurt comparison thus far, it may appear to be a better choice, but it has drawbacks too. For one, Greek yogurt is naturally higher in fat due to the process of draining off some of the liquid to make for the thicker and creamier texture. Therefore, it will contain more fat content by weight.
An ordinary 6oz Greek yogurt contains 14 grams of fat and 9 grams of which is saturated fat. Now, you would have already known that saturated fat is a concern and it is bad for health. It is the kind of fat that raises the level of LDL – the bad cholesterol in the body. But luckily, with today’s wide range of Greek yogurt products to choose from, you can always pick one that is low fat or even zero-fat. Just read up the label!
Finally, Greek yogurt is significantly more expensive than an ordinary yogurt. Escalating demand aside, the process of extra straining also requires more milk which naturally drives up the cost. It may take up to 3 pounds of milk to make just 1 pound of yogurt. Unfortunately you may need to fork out up to three times more money this.
Nonetheless, in summing up Greek yogurt vs regular yogurt, both do have their own pros and cons, but most importantly is that no matter which yogurt you choose, it is still a better choice when substituting it for other high fat, high calorie ingredients such as mayonnaise, sour cream, salad dressing, and sauces among others.
Yogurt is also an excellent health food to include into your staple if you know how to select the right type. Get Greek yogurt for its thick and creamy quality that comes with a rich tangy taste if you can, but if you are on a budget or aren’t taking yogurt for cooking, settling for regular yogurts isn’t a bad choice either considering that you’ll get more for that same price.
Whichever side you opt in Greek yogurt vs regular yogurt, remember to always read the label before purchasing and make sure that you are getting the low fat and low sugar variety as the best for your health.
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