There are many reasons why people like you will experience red eyes from time to time. Most of the common causes may include not getting enough sleep, foreign matters getting in the eyes, conjunctiva, fumes from chemicals and even the use of certain cosmetics. Other red eyes causes could also include things such as anxiety, stress, high blood pressure, kidney problems, not eating properly as well as infections.
Although there is a wide range of causes as to why the problem occur, diagnosing the root cause of your red eyes is very important in order to properly treat it. You can easily find some good home remedies for red eyes here, but do take note that if the condition or problem persists even after trying these home remedies, you must consult with your doctor or consult an eye specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Here are some simple home remedies for red eye that you might want to try to heal the problem and have your eyes feeling great and looking normal again:
Home Remedies for Red Eyes
1. Eating foods high in Vitamins C and E. For example, vegetables and fruits like barley grass and linseed oil. Also drinking adequate amount of water daily will help reduce the redness.
2. Placing a clean cool cloth over the eyes will help to sooth the itchiness and help reduces the redness. Besides, you can also apply some cool cucumber slices on to your eyes to reduce the redness. The cooling effect will help remove some of the heat that causes the redness by constricting the blood vessels.
3. Boil one teaspoon eyebright in a cup of water for twenty minutes. Let it cool to a tolerable temperature. Soak a clean wash cloth in the tea water. Then, wring the wash cloth and place over your eyes. Let it remain for about twenty minutes. Repeat the process several times a day if necessary.
4. Place half a teaspoon of fennel seeds in a glass of water and let it stand for twenty minutes. After that, strain and leave it to cool. To be used as a natural eye wash, this solution will help to sooth and cleanse the red itchy eyes.
5. Avoid rubbing your eyes at all costs and try not to wear any makeup until the redness and itchiness is totally gone. You should also look at the make-up you are wearing to ensure they contain no harsh chemicals.
6. Lastly, one of the most effective home remedies for red eyes is to get an over the counter eye drop right away. Not only does it help reduce the redness and soreness, it will also help keep your eyes moist to prevent further irritation. Read also about home remedies for puffy eyes here.
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