Are you trying to lose stomach fat? Have you counted how many crunches and sit-ups or leg lifts you have been sweating through? How much fat has actually been lost? Almost none. Ever wonder why those who do spot exercise to lose stomach fat won’t see great results?
The answer is pretty straight forward and simple. It is because, spot exercises that only targets the abdomens would not burn much fat from your tummy. What it actually does is merely tightening up your abdomen so that you could at most lose up to an inch or so of fats around your waist but they will never get rid of your stomach fat.
Simply put, the abdomen area has a collection of muscles that is just not enough to burn and lose heavy stomach fat. Fats that you have probably burned typically came off from your chest, shoulders and even your back side but as far as the stomach fat is concerned, it is mostly left untouched.
There is a tendency that larger muscle groupings area would burn more fat compared to smaller muscle groupings area. However, if all your energy is spent on whole body exercises instead, you would have seriously seen a great drop in your stomach fat.
So How Do You Lose Stomach Fat Effectively?
Well, what does that mean? Actually it suggests that you would not be looking for a way to lose stomach fat if you are already looking great.
So let’s get back to the drawing board. What type of whole body exercises do you think you should be doing?
To be effective, the exercise that you are going to perform should be able to send a message to your body that it requires more fuel to burn, right away. In other words, this is known as upping your metabolism rate. In fact, the only effective way to send that message is to combine a mix of mild exertion followed by intense exertion and then followed by some mild efforts and so on.
A great example of this would be brisk walking and jogging for about 2 minutes and then followed by running for a minute or two and then switching back to normal walking for the next two mins. Keep repeating it and your body’s metabolism will start processing those extra fats into fuel to feed what it perceives as an immediate need to burn fuel to power your muscles. What’s more interesting is that it will continue to process those fats even after you have stopped exercising.
Read also about stomach toning exercises here.
The same idea can be applied if you are into training with weights as well. Mild resistance followed by intense resistance and then repeating all over again. All you need is just to make sure that you could get your pulse rate up while you are doing this. You would like to get your blood pumping, collecting and transferring the new fuel being created by the fat that is being burned. This is the most effective way to lose stomach fat.
If spot coaching is your thing, then you already have the discipline. Just switch up the exercises and you can lose those fats inside in two weeks.
Also read how to lose visceral fat here.
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